POD artists wanted to join this forum!

This is good news! A fellow Zazzler created a Forum called POD PROMOTE. I am glad that someone had the idea to do it! I really hope Zazzle storekeepers and other POD store owners join this Forum. The strength of a Forum it’s the people. I decided to write a few lines about what it means to join a Forum. First of all joining means you must interact and engage the forum dynamics. If you register and visit once per month it will not work for you, it will not work for anyone. The more you interact, the more the Forum will work for you. Be respectful, be active. Also, have patience because it will take some time until the Forum proves its value. What’s good about joining a forum? (You can add more benefits on comments.)

- Interaction with members is easy  – ask for help and get support. 

- You’ll save time because you’ll find the answers you’re looking quickly

- Information is well organized

- Sharing information you know with others will boost your ego

- You can build your online presence and reputation

- Helping others with answers/suggestions/advice will make you happy - that’s what Positive psychology says)

- It’s a place to network (you can promote your store, make contacts)

- You will get new ideas for promotion... or whatever!
- Forums help to drive traffic to your blog/site/store

- You can get some back links from the forum

- Get free knowledge 

- You can make new friends!
